Thursday, May 14, 2020

Be More Creative At Your Workplace Than Ever Before With These 6 Tips -

Be More Creative At Your Workplace Than Ever Before With These 6 Tips Creativity is an important ability in many careers. In almost every job you need to be creative at least sometimes. This is especially true for jobs in which problem solving is important. These jobs call for out of the box thinking as well as new and exceptional solutions. Creativity isn’t a skill that you have got or not, but can be learned to a certain degree. It’s like a muscle that gets stronger by exercising and you can practice to be more creative. Your creativity can’t be empty â€" the more you use it the more you’ll have.Read and use the following 6 tips to get more witty, ingenious and original ideas.eval1. Determine a Time FrameBlock a time frame in your calendar for creativity especially if you have a crowded agenda. Set up an appointment only for yourself. Tackle tasks or problems that demand your creativity during that time. Find out if there’s a special time of the day when you are particularly creative. Block this time and don’t use it for routine tasks. Tu rn this a habit. Your colleagues will learn that they shouldn’t interrupt you during these hours of the day. Also, your brain will get used to creative thinking at the same time.2. Start with BrainstormingStart with brainstorming if you have to find a solution or come up with something creative. Set a timer for 15 or 20 minutes and write down everything you can think of about the topic. Write down even the wacky things that come to your mind. In this case, quantity beats quality â€" if you write down 100 ideas you might get 5 good ones that are viable. Afterwards, sort out which of these ideas you can use.3. Get Inspiration from OthersAfter the brainstorming, the next step is to do research. You might find some information or ideas that you haven’t thought of. Set a time limit for that too, so you don’t stray from the topic.evalGet inspiration from others: Find out how other companies solve a specific problem. Picture how a family would handle it. What would the President do? What would a child do? What would your dog do? How would James Bond handle this situation? Ask yourself these questions and try to answer them for yourself. Find a serious and workable method â€" is that method practicable for you? Why not? What would you need to be able to put this into practice? 4. Get Inspiration from your Everyday LifeGet inspiration from your everyday life. For example, if you are a copywriter, get inspiration from everything you read. Watch your environment â€" if you are on the bus, study posters ads. Think about what is good about them and what isn’t. Ask yourself if this wording could work for your product or brand. Why or why not? What would you need to change?evalTry to find a connection to your topic or problem in everything you see, hear or read. This is how you get What are your tactics to be more creative at work? Tell us in the comments or share the article if you think it’s useful for your friends.

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