Monday, December 30, 2019

If you dont get your priorities straight, your life will fall apart

If you dont get your priorities straight, your life will fall apartIf you dont get your priorities straight, your life will fall apartI have a friend who, in all outward appearances, is doing extremely well in his life.Hes making millions of dollars. His fame and reputation are spreading far and wide. He is brilliant and seems to know all of the answers.But then, I just found out last night that hes been going through a major divorce.He has a few kids whom he loves, but who he hasnt been around very much to play with.There is a common notion that you can have it all. Its a very seductive idea. But its not true.The fundamental core of the word decision means to literally cut-off alternative options. When you choose one thing, you simultaneously close the door on many others.This is why making decisions is so hard.A true decision involves risk, opportunity cost, uncertainty, and commitment.True decisions involve couragebecause it takes courage to commit to something beyond your own mom entary feelings. It takes courage to commit to a future filled with unknowns.Thomas Monson once said, Choose your love, and love your choice.Ive seen over and over in the past year how easy it is for people to walk away from their marriages. The honeymoon phase has long since passed. Their relationship has gotten slightly apathetic. They arent investing in the relationship like they once did.The grass begins looking much greener ALL OVER THE PLACE.The thrill of a new and exciting relationship (or project) starts to fill the mind.Why is a new relationship so attractive? Because its all future.The longer youre in a relationship, the more past there is in that relationship, and thus, the more likely you are to fall into patterns.Unless you are continually creating a future that is bigger than your past, your past will be repeated in the futureand that is how things can get boring pretty quickly.When you first start something out, its incredibly easy to be flexible. Youre willing to do practically anything for the relationship. You want it really bad.But after time passes, do you still approach the relationship that way?Or, since you have it now, have you stopped prioritizing your relationship?Its extremely easy to fall into this trap.Its easy to fall into patterns where you stop truly investing in a bigger future.Life gets busy.Youve got to pay the bills and do all the stuff. It can be exhausting.But life was busy before and somehow, you found all sorts of creative energy to invest the relationship.What if its not about the busyness of life, if were really being honest?What if youve just gotten too busy with other things?What if your mind is just somewhere else?What if youve gotten lazy?What if, now that you have what you want, you want something else?Its easy to drift.Only when the relationship comes to an abrupt end, like in my friends situation, does it become painfully obvious about what had slowly been happening over a number of years.If you dont pay attenti on to your life on a daily basis, it will absolutely drift in directions you may not like.You have to be completely clear on your core priorities.If youre not completely clear on what matters to you, then you dont have direction in your life. You dont have values. Your life will be a ship in the ocean without a sail or compassjust following the wind.It is not a priority if youre not investing in it.It is not a priority if youre not thinking about it.Its not a priority if youre not pouring time into it.Its not a priority if you dont love it deeply.Its not a priority if you dont have a vision for it.What are your priorities?What evidence is there that what you just thought about actually is a priority?How much have you invested in those priorities in the past 12 weeks?Of all things, relationships are some of the easiest to take for granted over time.If your key relationships arent something youre approaching with a beginners mindsetas you did when you were first trying to establish th e relationshipthen the relationship is probably not a priority to you.That may be weird to hear.It is highly likely that your romantic relationshipno matter how much you say and think you love this personis not actually a priority to you.If the relationship is not a priority, then that relationship has drifted into an apathetic patternand apathetic and boring patterns dont have a lot of life. If your relationship doesnt have life, then it will likely end.One, or both, of you, will begin looking for life and future and possibility somewhere else.You cant have many prioritiesJim Collins said in Good to Great, If you have more than three priorities, you have none.That may be a little extremebut it also brings up a good point. If you are focused on many different things, then you arent really focused at all.Focus requires zeroing in. It means making a decision.If youre focused on several different things in your life, in which direction are you actually going?If youre focused on several different things in your life, is it possible you actually have misled yourself? What if youre not really going where you think you are? What if youre actually drifting, and you havent fully committed.It takes courage to be committed and to make decisions.But without courage and commitment, you can never develop confidence.What are your priorities?Are you clear on them?Are you investing in them?Are you willing to give up a lot of other things to ensure that your true priorities are where your mind and heart are?If not, then you probably dont have priorities. And without priorities, you dont have a clear future that youre creating.Ready to upgrade?Ive created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. If you follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThis article first appeared on Medium.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

heres the right way to format your resume

heres the right way to format your resume heres the right way to format your resume The hardest part of writing an effective resume is figuring out the content how to talk about your achievements in ways that tie to what an employer is looking for. But people also do an awful lot of agonizing about the smaller details of a resume things like format, length and even font choices.Lets put those worries to rest. Here are answers to the most commonly asked questions about how to format a resume.Is there a basic resume format that works for most people?In general, your resume should have the following sections in the following orderpersonenname and contact infoWork history, listed in reverse chronological order (for each job, list your title, the employers name, the dates you worked there and a bulleted list of achievements)EducationSome people also include a short profile or summary section before their work history. This is optional, but has increased in popularity in recent years. Th e idea is to provide an overall framing for your candidacy.Some people also find it useful to include sections for volunteer work or special skills. Again, this is optional, but in some cases it may strengthen your candidacy.Does it ever make sense to use a functional resume rather than a chronological one?Functional resumes which are focused on one long list of skills and accomplishments rather than connecting them to a chronological work listing are widely disliked by employers, since they make it difficult to understand what the candidates work progression has been. Hiring managers also tend to assume that candidates using this format are trying to hide weak experience or significant work gaps. Since using this format is likely to start you out on the wrong foot with hiring managers, stick to the chronological format over the functional.What belongs in the education section?Generally your education section will be just a line or two. You should list any degrees youve attained s ince high school, and the college or university that granted them. You generally dont need to go into detail about your coursework just the degrees themselves are sufficient.You might also list certificates or other forms of continuing education here, but be choosy about what you list. Anything listed in this section should be substantial, so you shouldnt include, say, a list of 15 day-long seminars you attended or every conference in which youve participated.Should you talk about your work experience using bullet points or paragraphs?When youre describing your work experience, always use bullet points. Hiring managers are skimming your resume, and big blocks of text are harder to absorb quickly than bullet points are. Plus, many hiring managers eyes will glaze over if your resume appears to be one long block of text. Save that for your cover letter.What about length? Is it okayfor resumes to be more than two pages?The old one-page resume rule is dead, but that doesnt mean you can throw out all the rules about length Your resume still should elend be more than two pages. If youre a recent graduate, stick to one page.If that feels painful to you, keep in mind that the longer your resume is, the less likely hiring managers are to see the parts you most want them to see. Most hiring managers spend just a few seconds scanning resumes initially if your resume is several pages long, how many highlights will they really spot? Plus, a long resume can make you come across as unable to tell what information is important and whats less important.Should you stick to a plain, basic layout or can a creative resume design score you points? In most cases, you should stick to a plain, basic layout. The most important thing about your resume design is that it should be easy to scan and well-organized. Few hiring managers want to see unusual colors or innovative templates. The traditional resume layout may feel boring, but hiring managers know how to quickly find the informatio n they want on it, and thats to your advantage.Does font choice matter?Hiring managers wont care about what font you use as long as you choose one thats easy on the eyes. Your resume is not the place for a flowery cursive font or anything thats going to make it difficult to skim quickly. Sample different fonts and pick one that you like and thats easy to read. Georgia, Calibri, Arial and even old-school Times New saga are all fine. (Really, a good litmus test for your resume font is that no one should be thinking about it. You want your content to stand out, not your font selection skills.)And dont forget that font size matters Dont choose a font size smaller than 11 anything else can be hard for some people to read.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Ten Advertising and Design Awards

Ten Advertising and Design AwardsTen Advertising and Design AwardsAdvertising awards are a lucrative business, which is why there are so many of them. The entrance fees usually start in the low hundreds of dollars, and if youre entering several campaigns, you could be out of pocket by a few thousand dollars. Sometimes, it s a lotmore. So, with advertising agencies having less money to spend, but awards mucksmuschenstill being one of the few ways to show major credibility, which awards should you try and win? Here, are the best award shows the ones that actually matter.These are the awards that have high creative standards, are widely recognized by the industry, and mean something when you put them on your agency reel or your personal resume. After all, theres no point in listing all of the awards youve won if you have to explain what they are. 1 The DAD (Design Art Direction) In the opinion of the most renowned names in advertising, the DAD is the biggest and the best. Its one o f the few awards that refuses to hand out gongs if the work isnt good enough. Most other awards will compromise their standards to ensure every category has a winner, but not the DAD. They platzdeckchen the bar really, really high. Founded in 1962 by some of the best designers and art directors in the world (Alan Fletcher, David Bailey and Terence Donovan to name a few) they set impossibly high standards from the get-go. 2,500 entries, 16 winners. Giants of advertising and design have since been president of the DAD, including Paul Brazier, Graham Fink, Mary Lewis, Aziz Cami, Tim Delaney and Martin Lambie-Nairn. The standards for even being considered for a DAD award are so tough, they now have an award for getting a nomination. If you win a DAD pencil, youre exceptional. If you win a DAD Gold, well, youve just elevated yourself to a creative deity. But if money is tight and the work isnt absolutely fantastic, save your cash. Entering good work is not good enough, and youve just was ted your entry fee. Chances of winning a DAD pencil - Very, very slimBragging rights - Massive and foreverEffect - A DAD pencil is a knighthood for your career 2 The One Show Widely known as the US equivalent of the DAD, and often more coveted in the US than the DAD, the One Showis another giant of the advertising awards industry. The One Club was founded to champion and promote creative excellence in advertising and design. And it does that. Just like the DAD, the standards are high. Perhaps not quite as tough as the DAD, but its close. You need to have solid work and major confidence to even consider entering. Chances are, you wont see a win. But for those few that do win a One Show pencil, its champagne and caviar to celebrate. Chances of winning a One Show pencil - Very slimBragging rights - Enormous and lengthyEffect - With its US connection, theyre the Oscars of advertising 3 The Cannes Lions The Cannes Lions are actually older than both the One Show and DAD, having be en born in 1954. They were started because a group of worldwide cinema screen advertising contractors (SAWA) felt like advertising should receive similar recognition to the movies playing at the Cannes Film Festival. From that point, Cannes Lions have grown into a massive number of categories. They honor everything from advertising and design to creative effectiveness - something often overlooked in favor of pretty pictures and prose. Cannes not only gives out awards they also impart knowledge. Their speaker series reads like a whos who of the advertising and design elite, and those kinds of names ad serious credibility to the awards. Again, if the work isnt absolutely dynamite, save your money. The standards are high and the competition is fierce. Chances of winning a Cannes Lion - SlimBragging rights - ColossalEffect - A Cannes Lion means a few extra stripes on your creative epaulets 4 Communication Arts Annuals Every year, the esteemed creative publication Communication Arts puts out a series of printed annuals celebrating the best of the best work done that year. The annuals titelbild specific fields, including The Illustration AnnualThe Interactive AnnualThe Advertising AnnualThe Typography AnnualThe Design Annual On average, each annual receives roughly 5,000 entries and only 150-200 are chosen for the book. That means you have a 96 to 97 percent chance of not making the final cut. Ouch. If youre on a budget, a 3 to 4 percent chance of winning is not an attractive gamble. But those odds make it even sweeter when your work is chosen by a distinguished panel of jurors. Chances of appearing in a CA Annual - FaintBragging rights - MammothEffect - The Annuals stay on shelves for years - winning work is lauded for a long time. 5 The ADDYs The American Advertising Federation (AAF) celebrates the notion that great ideas can come from anywhere. Local chapters of the AAF host awards shows, and the best work from those shows goes forward to the national ADD Ys. It also receives over 40,000 entries each year, making it the worlds largest advertising competition. And whats more, it boasts a smaller entrance fee than most other awards. Judges for the ADDYs are some of the best, biggest and brightest in the industry. For example, the 2011 judging panel includes Aaron Allen, creative director of Weiden Kennedy, Steve Babcock, creative director of Crispin, Porter and Bogusky, and Tom Coates, creative director of Butler Shine. These are tough critics whose own agencies have a history of creating some of the best advertising in the world. The judging panels, plus the massive notoriety of winning, makes the ADDYs an oasis for agencies and creative looking to add more strings to their bow. Of course, even though its widespread, winning a national award is tough. The local chapters are easier to win, but its no cake-walk either. Chances of winning a National ADDY - FaintBragging rights - TitanicEffect - The judges are massive talents. If they lo ve you, youre golden. 6 The CLIO Awards Founded in 1959 by Wallace A. Ross, the CLIO name stems from Greek mythology, being the muse of history and the celebrator of accomplishments. Today, the CLIO Awards honor the best Interactive, Direct Mail, Content Contact, Film, Print, Out of Home, Innovative Media, Integrated Campaign, Radio, Design and Public Relations. Student work is also recognized in Interactive, Film, Print, Out of Home, Innovative Media, Integrated Campaign and Design. The judging process for the CLIO awards is also notably tough. Fewer than 10 percent of submissions survive the first round, from which juries re-evaluate the work to determine Gold, Silver and Bronze statue winners. Less than 3 percent of all entries receive a statue, and less than 1 percent receives the coveted Gold CLIO. Those are tough odds that some agencies and individuals dont want to mess with. But, when you win, it makes it an even more prized victory. Chances of winning a CLIO - Minuscule Bragging rights - MonumentalEffect - Surviving the tough judging procedure wins you some major praise. 7 The SHORTY Awards One of the newest kids on the block, for obvious reasons, the Shorty Awards (aka Shortys) were introduced in 2008 by Greg Galant and Lee Semel of Sawhorse Media. The reason for their creation was in reaction to the expanding social media universe, and the vast amount of advertising and design that went into the creation of content for the platform. Now, its huge. From Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, to SnapChat, Periscope, Twitch and YouNow, social media is driving the conversation for brands both large and small. And with smartphones so prominent, breaking through in this space is essential. Prominent celebrities have also won Shortys for their contributions to this platform. Chances of winning a SHORTY - SlimBragging rights - LargeEffect - Shortys are big news. Get one, and you have done well. 8 The PromaxBDA Awards Focused on broadcast desi gn and advertising, this highly-respected award includes categories for network TV, TV stations, cable networks and systems, radio, and interactive media. PromaxBDA includes 10,000 members in over 70 countries around the world, and past winners of these awards include HBO, FX Networks, Showtime, AE Networks, Red Bee Media, and many more. The standard is high, and the judging panel is looking for overall creativity, production quality, and just as important, results in achieving the marketing objectives. Chances of winning a PromaxBDA - SmallBragging rights - LargeEffect - PromaxBDA awards are recognized, and sought after. 9 The OBIE Awards Not to be confused with the Off-Broadway awards, also know as OBIE, the advertising OBIE Awards celebrate excellence in advertising, with a focus on OOH (Out Of Home). Long story short, if youve done a killer billboard or outdoor activation, the chances are, youll have a shot at an OBIE. This award turned 75 years old on May 16, 2017, and is one of the oldest awards in the advertising industry. All those 3D billboards, or interactive displays you see, theyre the ones grabbing the spotlight at this particular awards show. The work is eye-catching, shareable, and takes a lot of effort and production. Chances of winning a PromaxBDA - SlimBragging rights - HugeEffect - If you can nail an OBIE, youll be in demand 10 The EFFIE Awards Creatives around the world never feel as proud of an EFFIE as they should, and thats a shame. Out of all of the awards listed on this page, this is the one that places a focus on the effectiveness of an advertising or marketing campaign and at the end of the day, isnt that what really matters? Since 1968, the Effies have celebrated those marketing and ad campaigns that not only looked good, but performed well. These are the campaigns that moved the sales needle, and made money. Or, they got a brand noticed in a big way. Chances of winning a PromaxBDA - SmallBragging rights - BigEffect - Wit h an EFFIE under your belt, management takes you seriously.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How To Get A Job in Digital Marketing Without A Marketing Degree

How To Get A Job in Digital absatzwirtschaft Without A Marketing DegreeHow To Get A Job in Digital Marketing Without A Marketing DegreeHow To Get A Job in Digital Marketing Without A Marketing DegreeA career in Digital Marketing is an attractive option getting paid to sit on Facebook all day is basically living the dream, right?While Digital Marketing does involve a lot of time on social media, some blogging and a few cat GIFs here and there, there are so many reasons why this career is a popular one. For one, its a relatively new industry thats constantly growing and evolving. Its also one of very few jobs which requires a real marriage of creative and analytic skills, so youre always on your toes and never get the chance to utter the phrase my job is so boring.However, the best thing about Digital Marketing as a career is that theres no linear entry path into this field and, although it can make things mora straightforward, you dont need a degree in marketing to get a job in this i ndustry. TWEET Read on for practical tips and advice on how to get a job in digital marketing without a marketing degree.Which degrees can lead to a career in marketing?A Digital Marketer needs to carry out a wide variety of tasks on a daily basis including, but not limited to search engine optimization, pay per click advertising, email marketing, social media marketing, blogging and content marketing, as well as strategizing, analyzing and reporting.All of these tasks require a completely different set of skills and disciplines and although a good marketer should be able to competently do everything, the best Digital Marketer usually specializes in one area.Rand Fishkin, who is a prominent figure in the world of Digital Marketing, talks on his blog about the T Shaped Marketer. This is someone who has a light level of knowledge across a wide variety of skills, but has depth in one or a few particular areas.Therefore any degree which supports one or mora specialist skills can help yo u land a job. For example, those with a degree in Creative Writing, Journalism or English Literature could make excellent Content Marketers. Whereas, those with a background in Web Design or Development might have a flare for SEO or PPC.Other degrees which offer cross-over skills include Business Studies, PR and Communication, Advertising, Computer Science, Economics, Management and Psychology to name a few.Which skills are required?Digital Marketing is a multi-faceted job which requires diagonal thinking an ability to be simultaneously creative and commercially minded. Some of the key skills attributed to this role includeStrong writing ability.Good communication skills.Awareness of consumer behavior and buyer psychology.Analytical and numerical abilities.Knowledge and experience with social media, blogging platforms, PPC.Graphic design abilities.Web design/development knowledge.Top tips on how to get a job in digital marketing.Of course a degree in marketing might give a candidate an advantage on paper, but when hiring for Digital Marketing roles, employers do tend to focus more on proven skills and experience.So if you dont happen to have a degree in marketing, there are a few things you can do to boost your chances of getting a Digital Marketing job.Get experience.Digital Marketing internships are great if you can secure one, if not, you can still gain a wealth of experience on your own. Theres no reason why you cant experiment and start your own blog, website or social media channels. You can also offer to help any friends or family members who have small businesses in need of an elevated web presence. The more you can show drive, passion and genuine interest to an employer, the better your chances of getting a Digital Marketing job.Network.Connecting with local professionals in the Digital Marketing sector can be hugely beneficial to furthering your career. Being known within those circles will keep you updated when job opportunities arise and forming st rong relationships may also help you to acquire a mentor who can steer you in the right direction. Surrounding yourself with experts who are passionate about what they do will also drive you to work harder and inspire you to keep on top of the current trends.If youre not able to network at events or gatherings, connect on a digital level by adding people on LinkedIn, following them on Twitter and getting involved in conversations.Be a fan.In most Digital Marketing job interviews you will be asked which influencers you admire or follow online, as this is a great indicator of how passionate and involved you are in the industry. If you love Digital Marketing, you should be aware of the big names. The Kim Kardashians of Digital Marketing, if you will. Follow them on Social Media, listen to their podcasts and watch their videos. This is one of the most effective ways to stay ahead of the game.Want to see how your resume stacks up? Try out our free critique today

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Experienced Merchandising Resume Template 2018s Top Format

Experienced Merchandising Resume Template 2018s Top FormatExperienced Merchandising Resume Template - 2018s Top FormatCreate ResumeLydia Dixon100 Main Street, Cityplace, CA, 91019H(555) 322-7337example-emailexample.comProfessional SummaryResults-driven Assistant Manager determined to exceed company sales goals. Leverages financial and marketing education to make smart purchasing and merchandising decisions.SkillsCustomer service-orientedRetail sales professionalMarkdown proceduresInventory controlExcellent communication skillsReliable and punctualFlexibleWorks well under pressureHuman resource laws knowledgePleasant demeanorTeam buildingEmployee training and developmentWork HistoryAssistant Store Manager, 01/2006 to Current ROSS Dress for Less Greenville, NCResponsible for management and supervision of all assigned departments.Assists in managing and controlling the operations of the store to ensure that company standards and expectations are met.Follow ROSS philosophy and policie s in regard to customers, associates, and merchandising.In absence of store manager, responsible for entire store operations and will execute the business plan and associated programs and deliver desired sales and profit.Maintains good quality Customer Service.Recruits, trains and develops Associates functioning as Supervisor on duty.Responsible for opening and closing the store.Supervising AssociateInterviewed job candidates and made staffing decisions.Area Supervisor, 06/2001 to 09/2006 ROSS Dress for Less Philadelphia, PAMember of Supervisory staff.Responsible for specific assigned area (Ladies) of the store.Responsible of general operations and supervision of the store when functioning as Supervisor on duty.Responsible for opening and closing the store.Providing Star Customer Service at all times.Supervising merchandising processing, markdowns, sizing and front end as needed.Area Supervisor, 03/1997 to 10/2001 Panama MachetazoTrain employees in their job duties to ensure smoot h and continuous operations.Interview and recruit new candidates when necessary.Maintain performance evaluation and appraisals.Assist with implementing new polices and procedure.To achieve stock control targets inline with company guidelines to prevent financial loss.To manage payroll budgets in line with area sales.To ensure that the visual image presentation of the store represents the brand image.Ability to mange and develop a positive and productive management team.EducationB.S Education, 2000 University of Panama Panama CityCustomize ResumeMore Retail Resume TemplatesEntry Level Merchandising Resume Templates

Friday, December 6, 2019

Top Choices of Resume Versus Cv

Top Choices of Resume Versus Cv Resume Versus Cv - the Conspiracy Past the typical fare is a selection of sections that may be included, based on what sort of employer youre applying to. The principal distinction is length. Its an excellent time to deal with length. Should you need an example to have a look at, make sure that you take a look at the sample teacher resume at the close of the report The History of Resume Versus Cv Refuted Selecting the chronological resume for the perfect reasons will impact your odds of standing out among the competition. If that is a job in which you know they will need to employ someone immediately or maybe a sales job at the place where they might appreciate the excess enthusiasm, maybe a week would be ok. Chronological resumes arent the very best fit for fresh graduates since they dont have a lot of knowledge in the very first spot. Well cover that in a couple of minutes, once we discuss the myriad types of resumes. What to Do About Res ume Versus Cv Understanding how to code WordPress is also practical for designers and can turn into the fundament of a development career for lots of individuals. Thus, figure out whether this lesser-known resume style is appropriate for you. For instance, you can select a text-based layout with a professional look that will permit you to highlight your work experience. Shell also alter her Summary and Objective near the top of her separate resume accordingly. If you are a newcomer to the work market, your Summary is going to be based more on ability than experience. Chronology isnt as critical as tailoring the information for a certain intent. A Curriculum Vitae, or CV, is similar to an academic variant of the resume, but its not a resume. At times the Skills and Accomplishments section is a distinct section. Teacher resumes can be more complicated to create than those for different fields on account of the abundance of certifications necessary and additionally the selectio n of teaching jobs out there. The absolute most effective formatting for you will probably be distinguishable from the best formatting for someone else because your experiences and strengths will differ, and youll thus gain from formatting adapted particularly to your circumstance. Your resume is possibly one of the most formal documents youll ever write. In the following piece, you will discover a detailed step-by-step guide, completely free samples, and completely free templates for developing a compelling chronological resume. There are three sorts of resumes, each with its own benefits and pitfalls.A chronological resume is among the 3 main resume formats. One of the absolute most important things to keep in mind when working on your curriculum vitae is that there isnt one voreingestellt format. Whichever service you select, I cant overstate the worth of working with an expert job resume template. For instance, if you worked in the medical business but are attempting to become in to sales, replace the term patient with the term client or customer, which are far more relatable to a broader variety of audiences. It is very important to mention that your only LinkedIn profile has the potential to attain a broader audience than your resume. If it comes to CVs, some employers are extremely specific about what they would like you to include and the way the info ought to be laid out. Then they submit the hyperlink to their LinkedIn profile. This will make it simpler for recruiters to get in touch with you. You may add a hyperlink to your professional website if youve got one and to your LinkedIn account too. You may also incorporate your site URL and portfolio here. The Chronicle of Higher Educations job site features several articles that could be beneficial to first-time applicants on the work marketplace. Submit it for a totally free review to discover. Get the Scoop on Resume Versus Cv Before Youre Too Late Ads usually contain what the provide r thinks is important in a candidate. In case the client wants a folks will remember, I give them one people wont ever forget. Maybe you were lucky to land a great job in a good company that knows the way to care for its employees. If you are in doubt, its worth your time to get hold of the agency and ask which would be most suitable for the position.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Stop Sabotaging Your Career by Using This 5-Step Business Plan

Stop Sabotaging Your Career by Using This 5-Step Business Plan Do you want to change careers, advance in your field, or find a better work environment? Is this a dream, wish, or goal? Planning is the critical element that differentiates betweenwishing, dreaming, and doing.A dream without a goal is a wish a goal without a plan is just a dream.- Larry ElderManaging your career is a job in itself. In fact, your career is basically a geschftsleben, and you are the president, CEO, head of marketing, and lead customer service rep. When you are ready for a transition in your career, you must have a business plan just like any good business must have a plan before it decides to make a change.A successful business plan should be practical, sustainable, and workable. Answering the following five questions will give you the foundation for your business plan and allow you to identify and implementthe actions that will lead you to success.1. Who or What Is Your T arget?A successful company knows who its customers are. It knows their incomes, likes, occupations, locations, needs, and accessibility. In order to reap the greatest benefit, the company limits its efforts to focus on the ideal customer(s).The company also recognizes that it may have more than one ideal client. For example, a sporting goods store may target both hardcore athletes and novices who are entering into the world of sports for the first time.For the business of your career, you should be asking the following questions- What or who is your target?- Are there certain companies that you want to work for?- What position do you want next?- What responsibilities do you want?- What opportunities do you want?- What does that next ideal step look like?2. What Do You Have To Offer?A strong company knows what makesit unique and valuable to itscustomers.Understanding what makes you valuable and different fromyour competition elevates you as a candidate. You need to be able to answer the question, Why you?Move beyond the list of duties that you perform or have performed in the past look for value. Duties are what you are hired to do, but it is how you do what you do that determines your value.Toget a strong sense of your unique valueproposition, answer these questions- Who do you work with?-How do you work with them?- What do you contribute?- What have youaccomplished?- Why was it important that you were involved in this process? How did you make it better than it otherwise would have been?3. Who Are the Other Candidates?A company knowsitscompetitors. It knowswho they are, how their customers reach them, how they market, andwhat their value propositions are.You need to know your competition, too. Who are the other candidates out there vying for the saatkorn roles and pursuing the same goals? What makes them valuable and how can you make yourselfmore valuable than they are?Leverage LinkedIn to review your potential competition. Do any stand out, and if so, why? Can you learn something from them? Do they better utilize SEO in their profile? Do they speak to value rather than duties?Do an impartial comparison of yourself against your competition. Would you hire or promote yourself over your competitors? Be honest4. What Is Your Marketing Plan?The heart of a businesss success lies in its marketing. Marketingdrives sales, promotions, pricing, publicity, repeatability, and growth.The business of your career needsmarketing, too. Career marketing consists of a combination of various elements, and the two most important are LinkedIn and networking.LinkedIn is your online presence. This is where you will be discovered, contacted, or overlooked. Your profile should reflect your value, spoken from a first-person perspective that directly connects you to your target audience.LinkedIn is a piece of networking, but it is not the only piece. There are many other opportunities for networking, including face-to-face networking at conferences and such. Whe n networking, it is important to know your value proposition What value do you provide and to whom do you provide it?Fine-tune your elevator pitch. Know the key elements, but leave it unscripted this will make it easier to adapt the pitch depending on your environment.Once you have the basics, networkEngage in networking opportunitieslikeindustry meetings, formal networking events, and chamber events. Even casual conversations like the kind you might have whilewaiting in line at the movie theater or during halftime at a football game are networking opportunitiesA current resume with a focus on value rather than job duties is another key element ofyour marketing plan. Once you start networking, you want to be able to immediately capitalize on any opportunity that may come along, so make sure your resume is always updated5. How Do You Adjust?Having a business plan is the foundation for your success utilizing it, evaluating the results, and adjusting action items as necessary is cri tical if you want to actually make it to the point of success.For example, you may have a goal of transitioning into a new field. However, after implementing your business plan, you might discover that the field is not what you thought it would be and that you are no longer interested in this goal. Youll need to modify your target and approach if you want to move forward toward successTrack your progress. When networking, track how many contacts you make, your interactions, and the results. Modify your approach or pitch to clarify your message and generate more concrete leads.The business plan is your guide, and through the proper execution of the plan, you will generate results. ansicht results must be analyzed to determine whether or notyou are truly making progress on your goal. If you are not getting the results you want, you can leverage the information you have collected to modify your plan accordingly-Having a solid business plan gives you a blueprint for your success. It is your guide, and by answering the five essential questions above, you will have a strong advantage over your competition and a greater appreciation for the value that you can bring to an organization.